Logistics Solutions Including Real-Time Stock Management in Horsham | DR Logistics Ltd

The distance from Horsham to our premises in nearby Warnham is just 9 minutes by car, making DR Logistics Ltd a popular choice amongst both individuals and companies in the area. Individuals, often active as sellers on platforms like eBay, Depop and similar, have come to rely on our same day delivery service, ensuring they can get sold items to their clients speedily. This can win favourable reviews and ratings, while providing peace of mind, knowing their courier service of choice won’t let them down. Companies in the area use us for a variety of purposes, ranging from high value storage or general commercial storage as a standalone service, to fully integrated logistics solutions that include stock management and pick and pack / shipping.

On this page, we’ve looked to elaborate on the value that these services can provide. But if you’re in Horsham and more interested in getting a quote for any of our services, you can cut right to the chase by calling Dane on 07961 483 341.

How We Help Our Horsham Clients

Space – Few small or medium sized companies in the Horsham area can afford to shell out for a dedicated warehouse, especially when you consider the cost of the staff who will man it, plus tax, rent, cost of maintenance and fitting, etc. DR Logistics Ltd provides an alternative: use as much space as you require as part of our commercial storage solution. Our premises is manned 24/7, so whenever your items are required, whether to be moved to your site or transported to a customer, you’ll be able to arrange it without delay.

Security – If you do opt to organise your own storage, security is a big concern. It costs a fair sum to properly secure high value items, and often the employment of experienced and trustworthy security staff. That’s why we provide a high value storage service for Horsham and its surrounds. With round-the-clock monitored surveillance, and facilities that are kept locked up and are risk assessed for vulnerabilities, we can guarantee your goods will be kept safe and secure.

Organisation – Our commercial storage and high value storage services can be complemented by our in-house stock management system: carefully kept, up-to-date records of what you have in storage with us. This is useful as, should you choose us to deliver your products to customers via pick and pack / our courier service (e.g next day delivery service), stock levels can fluctuate. DR Logistics Ltd’s stock management offering ensures you’re never caught flat footed, and can re-supply as and when required. This can also save the recruitment of a dedicated staff member to track stock levels in storage.

Transportation – As mentioned before, many domestic clients around Horsham use our courier service and next day delivery service. But this is also ideal for commercial clients who wish to guarantee their products will get to their destination safely, within the designated time frame. We deliver far and wide, all throughout the UK and even into mainland Europe. So if you don’t have your own fleet to transport items, and wish to avoid issues surrounding large logistics companies who often cause customer-alienation via late deliveries or damage to products in transit, we’re here to help.

So what are you waiting for? Discuss how our logistics solutions – from our courier service to our in-house stock management – can help your Horsham business thrive. Call 07903 499 420.