Same Day Courier Service & Provider of Commercial Storage in Burgess Hill | DR Logistics Ltd

Our secure storage facility is situated just west of Crawley, in Warnham. This makes us the ideal commercial storage partner for clients in Burgess Hill, especially those who need a local stock management solution and same day delivery service. Many of our customers are located in the e-commerce industry, and do not operate bricks-and-mortar locations. After all, rent and duties are expensive especially when you offer fairly specific products and wouldn’t massively benefit from passing trade. These customers look to us to handle commercial storage (including secure high value storage), pick and pack, and stock management services, freeing their own time up to push their business and handle day-to-day essentials like bookkeeping and customer enquiries.

Below, we’ve looked to provide some tips on developing effective e-commerce delivery strategies. We hope that our Burgess Hill clients in this area will find something useful, or at least some food for thought. More interested in speaking with a member of the DR Logistics Ltd team about our courier service, or perhaps our commercial storage or pick and pack solutions? Simply call Dane on 07961 483 341 or Ryan on 07961 483 342.

Developing e-Commerce Delivery Strategies

Consider Fees

“Free shipping” is a tantalising phrase that we’ve all enjoyed when shopping about online. And while it can often be the deal maker, especially when a competing business offers similarly priced products but expensive shipping, it’s worth doing a deep dive into how taking on the shipping costs yourself is effecting your bottom line. If you’re partnered with an affordable courier service, for example using DR Logistics Ltd as a same day delivery service inside and out the Burgess Hill area, it should be simple to get the figures and offset them with the forecast increase in sales that this offer brings in.

Other options include offering a flat shipping rate across all products, or a table-top rate where factors like delivery distance, shipment weight or order size are taken into consideration. Then there’s the mixed approach. You might have seen this, where free shipping is offered on particular products or order sizes, with flat or table-top rates on anything falling outside this band.

Consider Speed

Many retailers guarantee delivery within a very specific timeframe. But to be able to make this guarantee yourself, you need to know that your supply chain won’t let you down, and that you have a reliable courier serviced lined up to fulfil the order. This is why it pays to skip the usual providers – e.g Royal Mail or DPD – who are often swamped with orders and struggle to deliver as promptly as customers might expect.

By picking a logistics company like our own, which will have the very items you’ve sold in our commercial storage warehouse, we can expedite delivery. Pick and pack means everything happens on site before being dispatched by our standard courier service or next day delivery service. The alternative sees you have to visit your own warehouse or storage facility, pick out the product, package it, then drive it to a courier service site – all of which takes up valuable time and makes late-in-the-day orders in danger of being late. Burgess Hill clients should know that our “When Tomorrow is Too Late” motto isn’t just a saying, we ensure your customers get ultra-speedy delivery while reducing stress and making it so you don’t have to store, select and ship items yourself.

Consider Packaging

While packaging has the important function of protecting items from damage while in transit, it should also be to a neat and professional standard, and feature relevant marketing and invoice information inside. If you wish to outsource commercial storage, stock management and other aspects of logistics to a company like our own near Burgess Hill, you can rest assure that our pick and pack team package items to an inscrutably professional standard, using relevant materials and techniques so that every product you ship creates a favourable impression of your business.

Burgess Hill retailers can choose DR Logistics Ltd to simplify completing orders via our commercial storage, stock management, and pick and pack services. Just call Dane on 07961 483 341 or Ryan on 07961 483 342.